Do u know about green potatos ?
How toxic is the potato peels and green potatoes?
Potato Peel is non-toxic if it is not green.
When potatoes turn green due to the fact that they produce chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is formed during the exposure to light. Chlorophyll is the substance that makes all of our green vegetables and is completely harmless.
The problem may be that the potatoes under certain circumstances, they form toxic solanidiner. This can be considered a defense reaction, and it happens, for example. When a potato is damaged, and in some cases even if it is exposed to light.
It is not certain that green potatoes are poisonous, but the probability is increased.
Since solanidiner not destroyed by heat treatment, it is safer to discard green potatoes and potatoes that have been significant damage.
Associate Professor Mikael Agerlin Petersen, LIFE - Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen
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