Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The daily cup of coffee is good for you

The daily cup of coffee is good for you - 19.06.2012

Coffee Beans

A moderate consumption of coffee may have a preventive effect of including type 2-diabetes and certain cancers. That is the conclusion of a new report from Knowledge Council for Prevention.

By Camilla July Gregersen, Communications Officer

A number of experts with Professor Kjeld Hermansen from Aarhus University, the lead has prepared a new report for Vidensråd Prevention . 
Here it is stated that the vast majority of scientific studies to date suggest that a moderate consumption of coffee have a preventive effect against several diseases, including type 2-diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers. Professor Lars Ove Dragsted, The Natural and Life Sciences, who helped prepare the report, said that very clearly indicates that coffee is healthy in moderate amounts.

"The Danes have for many years been one of the most coffee drinkers peoples of the world, and now we can show that it is not so bad even and actually have some preventive effects" says Professor Lars Ove Dragsted, also in his own research work with bioactive and preventive dietary factors.

Work on the report grew out of the many myths about coffee drinking, which regularly shows up in the media. Therefore it was decided to focus on research on coffee's impact on health and disease. The report examines coffee's impact on some of the major diseases, such as. cancer, type 2-diabetes, heart disease, depression and dementia. At the same time undergoing also the importance in relation to pregnancy and cognitive functions.

Coffee Drinking is no barrier to pregnancy

There are so many myths about coffee drinking to the meaning of pregnancy and in some countries do not recommend that pregnant to drink coffee as caffeine in coffee has been suspected of being harmful to the fetus.

The report, however, show that a moderate intake of coffee to 2-3 cups a day will have no adverse effect on pregnant women or affect the ability to achieve pregnancy. It is not clear whether a high daily intake of coffee can have a detrimental effect.

Protects against type 2-diabetes and some cancers

A daily consumption of 3-4 cups of coffee at the same time also looks to have a positive effect in relation to the development of type 2-diabetes. The report shows that moderate consumption reduces the risk of developing type 2-diabetes by 25% or more.

"Danish The average coffee consumption of 3-4 cups a day gives thereby a protective effect against development of type-2-diabetes. Simultaneously, increased consumption of coffee, in fact, a further reduction of the risk up to a consumption of 6 - 8 cups a day, "says Professor Lars Ove Dragsted and continues:

"In addition, suggest new studies that coffee may reduce the risk of some cancers, such as. Liver, oral cavity, end and colon cancer. For cardiovascular see filter coffee also seems to reduce the risk by about 10%. However, there is the caveat that certain types of coffee contain substances that can increase cholesterol. These substances are removed with ordinary coffee filters. "

The report does not some definite side effects or negative effects of coffee drinking, but for some groups such as pregnant women and people with anxiety disorders, the inlet is kept to a moderate level.

Thus, many of the myths that surround coffee drinking, killed and you can enjoy yournext cup of coffee without feeling guilty.

Facts about the report:
This report was prepared by Consultant, adj. Professor Kjeld Hermansen, MD, Associate Professor Bodil Hammer Bech, Professor Lars Ove Dragsted, Dr. Lars Celebrate troupe, neuropsychologist Kasper Jørgensen, Senior Consultant Lytken Mogens Larsen, MD, adj. Professor Anne Tjønneland

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